Over the past few weeks the #metoo movement has dominated social media. Every day there seems to be another brave woman coming forward to say, “me too.” There is power in this movement. It gives a voice to those who have been silenced. It empowers those who have been powerless. It puts a face to something that is all too often overlooked and dismissed in our society. This kind of movement can be emboldening, but it can also be overwhelming.

For many, this kind of visibility is too much. There are some people who have put away their abuse. They have perhaps dealt with it and no longer wish to dwell upon it. Or maybe they have never confronted it, and the thought of doing so now, especially so publicly, is terrifying. Some people may not have ever labeled their own experiences as “abuse,” even though it in fact was. This can often create confusion and uncertainty.

For those of you who are one of the #metoo, you are not alone. For those of you who are one of the #metoo and wish to remain silent, you are not alone. Part of self care is honoring where we are. We all process things differently and in our own timeframe. There is no “right” way. I think too often we put pressure on women. We pressure women to stay silent and then we pressure them to speak up. I encourage everyone to do what feels right for you. If this is the time for your voice to be heard, then don’t hesitate to roar. If this is a time of quiet contemplation, then take all the time you need. This is your journey and no one else’s.

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